リベット表現が凄い!~エデュアルド1/48 零式艦上戦闘機2Zero Fighter Plastic Model Eduard 1/48

Continuing from the last time, we will take up Eduard’s Zero fighter
エデュアルドの1/48 零式艦上戦闘機の表面表現に注目しました。
We paid attention to the surface expression of the 1/48 Zero fighter of Eduard.

Great rivet expression!
1 買って楽しむ
2 箱状態を集めて楽しむ
3 パーツ状態を眺めて楽しむ
4 どうやって作ろうか考えて楽しむ
5 作って楽しむ
6 飾って楽しむ
There are several ways to enjoy the plastic model. There is no top or bottom. However, it is not good to say this to people who are enjoying other ways.
1 Buy and enjoy
2 Collect and enjoy the box condition
3 Enjoy watching the parts condition
4 Enjoy thinking about how to make it
5 Make and enjoy
6 Decorate and enjoy
By the way, this Eduard kit is of course fun for 4, 5 and 6, but you can enjoy it just by looking at the parts of 3.
1 タミヤ 1/48 零式艦上戦闘機五二型 TAMIYA type52

1/48 零式艦上戦闘機のスタンダードです。エデュアルドと比べるとあっさり目ですが、1/48ならこれ位の方が好きな人も多いと思います。リベットを打ちたい人は打ってねというスタンスですね。更にタミヤの場合は1/32零式艦上戦闘機の存在とのバランスで、過度なリベット表現は避けて、この表現になっていると思います。
1/48 Standard for Zero fighter. It’s easier than Eduard, but I think many people like this one if it’s 1/48. It’s a stance that people who want to hit rivets should hit it. Furthermore, in the case of Tamiya, I think that this expression is used to avoid excessive rivet expression in balance with the existence of the 1/32 Zero fighter.
2 エデュアルド 1/48 スピットファイア MK9

基本的にエデュアルドの1/48 零式艦上戦闘機にかなり近い印象です。
Basically, it looks like a 1/48 Zero fighter of Eduard.
3 タミヤ 1/32 零式艦上戦闘機二一型 TAMIYA Type21

It can be said that it is 1/32 as expected, and it can be said that it demonstrates the strength of small scale (large model), such as the fact that a part of the panel line is expressed by a step instead of a concave mold.
It can be read that Tamiya’s 1/48 Zero fighter is based on the existence of this 1/32 kit. It seems that 1/48 of Tamiya is not a simple reduced version of 1/32, but emphasizes ease of making by simplifying parts to some extent. I don’t think Eduard will release a 1/32 Zero fighter at this point, so you don’t have to think about the difference in personality from 1/32. 1/72 may be released by Eduard in about 5 years.
タミヤが恐らく後に出すと考えられる新金型の1/48 零式艦上戦闘機二一型は、エデュアルドのようなリベットびっしりの高精密キットである事は考えにくいです。つまりタミヤが後に1/48 零式艦上戦闘機二一型を出したとしてもエデュアルドのキットはタミヤと住み分けができるという事です。
It is unlikely that the 1/48 Zero fighter type 21 of the new mold that Tamiya will release later is a high precision kit with rivets like Eduard. In other words, even if Tamiya later released the 1/48 Zero fighter type 21, the Eduard kit can coexist with Tamiya.
As I mentioned in “How to enjoy plastic models”, even if Tamiya comes out later, I think you can enjoy the difference in design concept and comparison with Eduard by looking at the parts.
キット紹介 review-kit2022年9月23日モデルズビット 1/48 F-82 ツインマスタング キットレビュー Modelsvit